
Kamis, 18 November 2010

plajaran dari ketua angkatan 14

i got some prices experiance from my leader generation mr Aam. he take point of you to the simple thing but allways take the advantages for future. i  llwas get some explicit(idea) statement from him, like his assessment*
about secular world. he said that althoutght every people in here(shopping center) have stratification but just take a look at eternity* or afterlife they wuold be like this time they can spend every that they want but in the next life  they would be spended by god.

according to me its a briliant idea. i got a new spirit from him. i must to give attention from my nextlife more deeply and subtensively. great mr aam thanks alot you give me reason why we choosed you at party elction...

 *assessment: penilaian
*enternity : akhirat 

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