
Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

The Great Adventure to The Top of Gunung Ajuno 3339 mdpl

restart again from lali jiwo gotta the last station Pondhokan. wow that was so terrible time. I mean its make us frustated. This too far way and we had to carry heavy bag. And we rarely find a flat road, always uphill !!!! Gotchaaa!! about 2 hours to reach Pondhokan. lets see this,

 waah finaly!!! last station!!! but not last fight!!
after get water we take shelter in a small shed because suddenly rain. about 2 hours we still have no any move. still rain. we still have a goal before goes to top is camp at Lembah Kijang. rain stopped we continue the trip until at 9 pm we arrive and directly buli a tent, that was so cold . take a rest and at 4 am we have a breakfast to continue the trip
30/3/2013 4:19 am

we start trip at 5:28 and arrive to this spot at 06:09. Look at that peak(left side) that our goal. so its not finish just begining. but we doing this by praise to the creator that make all of this. so grateful!!

middel of the trip we run out of stock we not bring any stock at all. we only bring 4 bottel of water. that's why I always give thanks to God who gives salvation to us to come back in the early station. and thank you so much for tourist from japan may be or thailand i dont know exactly because he can speak indonesia when we ask some stock or snack. and he give that to us.

 amazing!!! and thanks god had save us completely!! we are on the top 3339 mdpl at 10:39

 and keep this sentence from fellow fighters climbers who passed away at gunung sumbing

" Puncak cuma bonus, tujuan utama kembali dg selamat "

so if i have another chance to grateful for God's creation, i want be able to be grateful. amin.


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